Monday, February 3, 2014

The Long and Not-So-Windy Road

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)

A few years ago our family drove to Colorado for a conference my husband had to attend. Being a large family, flying was not an option for us as the cost of 6 airline tickets would have been equal to one entire month's salary at the time.

Most of the drive was terrific and we enjoyed seeing the sights along the way. However, once we got into middle Kansas, the drive became very monotonous and boring. (I apologize to anyone who lives in Kansas. I am sure that your state is lovely but their is not much to see that will entertain young children along I-70 through farmland.) The kids became restless and wanted to know when we were going to see the mountains. Eventually, even I began to ask God how much longer we had to be in this long, flat stretch of road.

Recently, I feel like I have been asking God the same question about life. How long am I going to be stuck in a holding pattern? When am I going to view the mountains of God's plan for my life? How long does this boring routine have to be a part of my life?

Then I read Philippians 3 again and I began to think about people who run races. All of them talk about the same thing -- the period of the race known as "the wall." It is that part of the race where a runner feels like they can't go on any further; the road has become monotonous and each step feels as if their legs weigh hundreds of pounds. These runners each get past the wall by just pushing on. Their training teaches them to keep going, to shift their minds into survival mode and to focus on their ultimate goal.

I am slowly learning that when I hit "the wall" of life, I need to change my focus. Rather than being bored with place I am currently in, I need to switch my focus and concentrate on what God wants of me in that place. Much like our drive to Colorado, I need to set my eyes on the mountains ahead of me -- the beauty that God has waiting for me just a few more miles down the road.

Unless I work at becoming a better runner of life's race, I will never make it past the wall that Satan likes to throw in front of me. His constant barrage of you-aren't-good-enoughs and you-can't-do-thats can really make the journey too difficult. I need to train my heart with the study of God's word and continuous prayer and worship. I need to forget my past mistakes and failures and keep pressing on. But I am totally incapable of running this race without Christ's help.

When I start to "press on toward the goal" God opens my eyes and heart and He makes my life so much sweeter. I begin to enjoy the day-to-day stride of life's race and look toward the glorious finish line when I get to see Jesus and hear Him say, "Well done."

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